Work Environment Plays Key Role in Well-Being & Happiness
Earlier this year UK governmental officials published its first thoughts on the Measuring National Wellbeing program launched in 2010 by David Cameron.
UK policymakers believe metrics derived from this study could be compared with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a national indicator of progress.
If well-being is adopted as a national outcome measure, it will be important to understand the factors constituting the nation’s wellbeing. Researchers believe this study indicates that both the quality of jobs available in the UK, and personal relationships, are key factors.
Stephen Stansfeld, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry, said, “The so-called ‘happiness debate’ has gained a lot of attention in recent years, with economists, politicians and psychologists all hypothesizing on how to create a happy society. If the government proceeds with the idea of measuring well-being as an indicator of Britain’s progress, it is crucial they know what impacts a person’s well-being.
“This study shows the quality of our working conditions and personal relationships are key to the nation’s happiness. We believe any policies designed to improve the workplace should not just minimise negative aspects of work, but more crucially, increase the positive aspects, such as a creating a greater sense of control and support among employees.
“The quality of the working environment has a very important effect on how a person feels and greater well-being may also be related to greater productivity and performance at work, increased commitment and staff retention as well as effects on physical health and lifespan.”