Do you have difficulties in expanding your market or sending goods internationally? Don’t worry because ITL always has solutions for you with two international shipping packages e-PAQ Plus and e-PAQ Select.
With the international shipping package e-PAQ Plus:
A postal delivery solution that helps you feel more secure and confident about the safety of your goods thanks to the feature of tracking parcels on the website.
Especially suitable for customers who have:
Weight of goods: from 0 - 2kg
Delivery time: 10 - 14 days
Destination worldwide
Track orders: Check orders for most destinations and ensure parcels are being shipped
Customs procedures: Easy customs clearance for low-value orders
Cost is calculated based on chargeable weight and actual weight
With the international shipping package e-PAQ Select:
This is a fast delivery service for goods through e-commerce channels, with a tracking system and many preferential costs to ship to many important e-commerce markets in the world.
Especially suitable for customers who have:
Weight of goods from 0-30kg
Delivery time: 6 - 10 days
Destination: US market
Track orders: The service is tracked, always available online and can choose delivery with signature confirmation of the recipient
Customs procedures: You can choose to pay customs fees at destination or prepay for customs clearance at destination
Cost is calculated based on chargeable weight (number divided by 6000)
Both shipping packages e-PAQ Plus and e-PAQ Select are part of ITL E-commerce Logistics Powered Asendia service, which is a specialized international parcel and mail service designed for online retailers who send goods to the US and internationally.
Contact us NOW for further information and experience our best service!